My Guests
New Deal

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    Start Workflow
    On the Lot

    Guest: Some Guy

    Attire: Stuff They Have On
    MBS Profile: Direct

    Interest: Outback

    STK: ABC123
    Model: Outback
    Make: Subaru
    Year: 2013
    Color: Red
    Trim: Limited

    Add Stock Number

    ABC123: Outback (Subaru, 2008, Green)
    DEF456: Outback (Subaru, 2009, Green)
    GHI567: Outback (Subaru, 2010, Green)

    Optimal Outcome: Demo

    Stuff to do.

    Actual Outcome: Pending

    Appointment Time:
    Next Step
    About GuestTrek

    GuestTrek® is a user-friendly, cost efficient system that allows your dealership to increase sales by capitalizing on the period when your sales team has the greatest opportunity to make a sale: the time the guest is physically at your dealership.

    GuestTrek® is Web-based and designed to assist your sales team to establish and follow a verifiable optimal sale flow process. GuestTrek® has developed a unique CRM customer follow-up for the guest who leaves the dealership without purchasing a vehicle.

    GuestTrek's Optimal Sales Flow Management system with its robust customizable CRM features, will ensure your dealership's sales and follow-up processes are executed.